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The River Lugg and its Meadows. 


Our ministry is not confined to the church building. We take regular walks around the local countryside. We are blessed to have The River Lugg on our doorstep with its huge array of wild flowers, wild life and stunningly beautiful scenery.  The Lugg Meadow is home to the famous snake's head fritillaries which are one of the UK’s rarest wild flowers. (The Wildlife Trusts)


We wanted to show the visitors to this site images of God's glory that we might take for granted at times. Therefore, we have researved these next few pages to be filled with images of where we live and worship. We begin with some videos of a microjourney, from the source of the River Lugg by a local man who is inspired by the scenery.  (please note, these videos are from an independent source) 






"For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things,

and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:16-17 ESV




River Lugg Microadventure -

Source to Sound - Day 1


“You don't want to have respect for just certain things, you need to have respect for everything, animals, birds, people laws. What is short in this world today is respect, love, The only things and faith.......all things.” (male voice 6.50)


“We know that there earth itself and the places on the land is where the people learned all of the lessons of how to be human beings.” (female voice)










River Lugg Microadventure -

Source to Sound - Day 2
















River Lugg Microadventure -

Source to Sound - Day 3












River Lugg Microadventure -

Source to Sound - Day 4














River Lugg Microadventure -

Source to Sound - Day 5
















River Lugg Microadventure -

Source to Sound - Day 6





Click here for more information about the producer of these videos from Mark. 

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