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Please Help us to Help the Refugees in France.

Hi everyone, We have decided to make the chapel available for collecting donations for the refugees in Calais or Dunkirk. To avoid receiving too much stuff that would need sorting or be surplus to need, we have decided to invite people to donate specific items and see how we go from there. Therefore for the next few weeks we will be collecting :-

* canned foods that are in date. * Sanitary ware * Baby wipes * blankets and sleeping bags * clean tarpaulins/ plastic sheets * socks and underwear (boxers for men, high legged knickers for women) * hats, scarfs and gloves * sauce pans * Wellingtons

( Think camping in the most dire circumstances and what you would like to be gifted ie the things that keep you warm and dry)

We are open most days Sunday 10am until 12pm, then 5pm until 6.30pm Monday 8pm until 9pm Tuesday 10.30am until 12pm (and 6pm until 7.15pm during term times. Thursday 10.30pm until 12pm Friday 7pm until 9pm

If you have a large donation, other items that you think may be needed or need to drop off at a different time, please let us know via private message. Also, do please let us know if you would be interested in volunteering your time for packing or loading onto the van when donations are collected to be taken to Leominster where they will then be sent on. Thank you.


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