Could We Start Again Please?
When someone in the congregation spoke of the dreadful Christmas her family had had, she asked the question. 'Can we start again please'. This is a question so many of us ask after things have gone drastically wrong. In reality, we can only start where we are at this point now. But in The Lord Jesus Christ we can all be given new life and hope of better things to come. It is confidence in this hope that sustains Christians through the worst of trials and tribulations, knowing that whatever we suffer, our Lord and Saviour is suffering with us. Whatever tear we shed, Jesus sheds tears with us and when we finally rejoice again because of answered prayers He will be there to dance with us and cry with relief. This singer in this video is Renee Castle as Mary Magdalene. She realises that things are spiraling out of control and in her sense of hopelessness she cry's out for the story to start again. Yet, little does she know that her despair is all part of God's greater plan unfolding and beginning again is impossible, the world is about to change forever (carol)